In high summer heat, it’s important to take precautions against the dangers of oppressive temperatures. Heat exhaustion is extremely dangerous, but heat stroke can be outright deadly. In short, you’ll be better off if you protect yourself from the heat with the correct moves by adopting proper techniques. Here are some important tips to save yourself in high temperatures.
Keep Hydrated to Yourself

One of the most important things you can do in high temperatures is to drink lots of water. Losing fluids Your body can lose quite a bit of fluid through sweating. Drinking plenty Water helps to replace lost fluids and keeps your body running smoothly.
- Drink water regularly – At least 8-10 glasses a day or more if you are active or out in the open air most of the time. Take in only water with no added force. Any other drink can help dehydrate you just as much.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine – Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake during hot weather times, when you may be more prone to dehydration if you’ve been out in the sun for too long already.
- Eat food with high water content – Fruits such as melons, cucumbers and oranges all have lots of water in them which keeps you feeling refreshed during hot times because their natural sugars create an almost night- Cool effect on your body.
Appropriately Dress Selection

What you wear in warm temperatures can play a big role in how you feel. Select, for instance, clothes that are designed to help the body “breathe” and eliminate heat and humidity and, at the same time, allow you feel cool comfortable.
- Lightweight and loose-fitting clothes – Garments that are lightweight and offer protection from the sun, these allow your body to breathe and help sweat evaporate.
- Light Shades Clothes – Dark colors absorb heat, while light colors reflect it, keeping you cooler.
- Wear a hat – A hat with a broad brim can keep the sun off your face and neck.
- Use sunglasses – These are must-have accessories to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
Stay Indoors at Peak Heat Times

During these hours the sun is at its hottest, generally from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. As much as possible, try to spend them inside where you will avoid extreme heat.
- Close curtains and blinds – This can keep your home cooler by blocking out the sun ‘s rays.
- Take cool showers or baths – This will help to lower your body temperatures.
- Plan Outdoor Activities Wisely – If you have to go out, schedule outdoor exercises slower and take measures to remain cool.
- Exercise in the early morning or late evening – Temperatures are cooler at these times, reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.
- Take short breaks – Rest in the shade or a cool area for a while so you won’t overheat.
- Stay in the shade – When it can, stay under the shelter of trees or buildings to keep away from the sun’s direct rays.
Don’t Forget to Use Sunscreen

If you want to protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun, then you must use sunscreen regularly. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Reapply every two hours, or more often if you’re swimming or sweating. Protect your all-exposed skin also like the back of your neck, ears, and the tops of your feet.
Recognize the Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses

Heat-related illnesses are not laughing matter. Learning their warning signs will let you act fast in case something goes wrong.
- Heat exhaustion – It is characterized by heavy sweating, weakness, cold and clammy (or pale) skin, a fast but weak pulse; nausea or vomiting -and fainting. If you experience any of these symptom’s head to someplace cooler as soon as possible drink water if you can manage without getting sick, then apply cool compresses like cotton sheets soaked in alcohol or vinegar swathed around you so work on lowering your temperature while laying down for at least 10 minutes–but not longer than 15 minutes since that would decrease the blood circulation to an unacceptable level.
- Heat stroke – This is an instinct, it’s a kind of emergency situation. If you or someone else is experiencing heat stroke symptoms, please call emergency services right away then try cooling him off as described above. Keep your pet comfortable and give the person a cool bath-but don’t give them anything else to eat or drink.
Pets Need Protection from the Heat Too

Don’t neglect the needs of your animals in this hot weather.
- Provide ample water – It should always be an easy task to keep a fresh supply of water in your pets’ bowls. Fresh cool water is key.
- Avoid hot pavement – The pavement can get very hot and burn your pet’s paws. Walk them early in the morning or late in the evening when the ground is cooler.
- Never leave pets in a parked car – Even with the windows cracked, temperatures inside a car can quickly become dangerously high.
Use fans and air conditioner

If there are fans or air conditioning in your home/office, then use them fully to keep your living space cool. Ceiling fans can help circulate air, and portable fans can provide targeted cooling If you are using air conditioning, set it to a comfortable temperature and close doors and windows to trap the cool air within your living place.
Take light and refreshing meals

Eating heavy or hot food can raise your body temperature and you may not be able to feel comfortable under pressure from the air conditioning. Eat some light refreshments which can give least burden to your body functions like salads, fruits, and smoothies. They rehydrating effect is welcome, more than that they are easier on the stomach so that people often wind up feeling quite energetic after eating them.
Stay informed and alert

Keep track of the weather forecasts for where you live, stay alert for heat warnings and protect yourself. There is nothing wrong with being at home during times of extreme heat, provided both you and any vulnerable friends, family members or neighbors in your charge are able to keep cool and stay hydrated.
With these little and effective tips, you can beat the heat and stay safe and comfortable even in the hottest of temperatures. By properly hydrating yourself, dressing sensibly, finding a shady place least likely to harm, and paying attention to the signals your body is sending out–you can enjoy everything that summer has to offer without running afoul of any heat-related problems. Keep your cool, stay safe.